Saturday, June 25, 2011

My serious and copious amounts of writer's block has given me much time to think about things unrelated to writing.  I went into this endeavor with lofty ideas of writing The Next Great Novel and of raking in loads of cash so that I may not have to work for someone else, and just live the rest of my life learning and writing.  To be clear, I did not strive to be rich, I just wanted to make enough money so that I could write full-time and learn full-time. Time is the best teacher and I realize that while my goal is certainly not out of reach, it is going to take more gusto than hoped for the end result to be plausible.  I know that I write well, it's just that I only write well when I have inspiration to write well.  My inspiration has been lax as of late.

Pertaining to things unrelated to writing, I have wondered how people become wealthy with harebrained ideas that continue to produce monetary results.  Take the beer coozy for instance.  A beer coozy, which is actually a misnomer as the coozy can be used for any 12 ounce canned beverage, was invented so as to keep drinks cold without leaving your hand uncomfortable.  Inexpensive to make and easily one of the number one promotional items that companies and businesses use to distribute recognition of their brand, the beer coozy is an item that people buy lots of.  And considering that a beer coozy doesn't really do the job that it is supposed to do -- keep drinks cold -- why do people keep buying them?

Who invented the beer coozy?  How rich is this person due to the unquestionable decades-long demand of their poorly designed, cheaply made product?  Is the inventor of the beer coozy living it up on private beaches, jetting from country to country, zipping around in their Porsche?  Or are they living a quiet life, stockpiling their money, investing it and putting it away for their heirs?

I guess my most important question is Why didn't I think of it?

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